The so-called {people of the mainland area}
The " people of the mainland area " recognized by Taiwan's immigration laws are:
1. People with household registration in the mainland area, and
2. People living in mainland China who live abroad.
" People from Mainland China living abroad "
Including those who were born abroad and hold passports from mainland China,
But not including the following people who have lived abroad for more than 4 years:
a. Those who have acquired local nationality;
b. Those who have obtained local permanent residency and hold a valid passport in my country.

About coming to work in Taiwan
Currently not open to mainlanders
Come to Taiwan directly through work
Divided by the people from the mainland who are legally residing in Taiwan as their spouses,
Our country has not yet opened up people from the mainland to work directly in Taiwan.
If you want to come to Taiwan to engage in specific business activities and professional exchanges,
You need to apply to come to Taiwan through the applicable name.
According to the regulations, the immigration company cannot handle it
Applications for people from mainland China to visit Taiwan.
Please entrust it to be announced by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transport
"Taiwan travel agencies that meet the qualifications for sightseeing and reception of mainlanders" will handle it on behalf of them.
About coming to work in Taiwan

Social exchange
short-term family visit
long-term family visit
Accompanying reunion
Funeral or return of remains and ashes
Visit or conduct other social exchange activities

General project license and enterprise internal transfer project license
Project long-term family visit
Social exchange
Social exchange
Religious Doctrine Training
educational lectures
investment management
Scientific and technological research
Art and Literature
Assist in sports national team training
Station service
Short-term professional exchange

business study
compliance activities
Internal Relocation of Multinational Enterprises
Short-term business activity exchange
Social exchange
Social exchange
seek medical treatment
peer care
Health Checkup or Aesthetic Medicine

The reasons why people from the mainland area can apply to come to Taiwan to stay
People from mainland China who can apply for residence in Taiwan or long-term residence
Chinese spouse
Be applicable
Residence, long-term residence

Based on social, political, economic, educational, technological, or cultural considerations, those who have been approved by the competent authority can stay in Taiwan for a long time.
Please check the relevant conditions from the link below:
Project permission
Be applicable
Long-term residence
People from mainland China who can apply to settle in Taiwan
Straight blood relatives or spouses of Chinese nationals
Those over 70 years old

Including the age of 12 years old
Children of Chinese
Adopted children
Grandchildren of Chinese and their spouses,
Great-grandchildren and their immediate blood relatives
Children under 12
Chinese spouse
Including the spouse of a Chinese mainland citizen who meets one of the following conditions
Licensed in Taiwan long-term residence for a continuous period of 2 years, lived in Taiwan for more than a year more than 183 days and in accordance with the relevant provisions
Remarry with the original relative within 30 days after the divorce , and meet the previous days of residence in Taiwan and relevant regulations, obtain the exercise or burden of the rights and obligations of minor biological children with household registration in Taiwan after the divorce, and meet the requirements of the previous stay in Taiwan The number of days of residence and related regulations. Those who have suffered domestic violence and are divorced by the court, and have minor children with household registration in Taiwan, and meet the number of days of residence in Taiwan and relevant regulations. The Taiwanese spouse dies, has not remarried and meets the requirements Those who have stayed in Taiwan for the number of days and relevant regulations
If a Taiwanese spouse dies, he must take care of his minor children who have already registered in Taiwan, and he is currently entering Taiwan to stay in Taiwan or stay with relatives or stay for long

Under special license in Taiwan long-term residence for a continuous period of 2 years,
Lived in Taiwan for more than a year more than 183 days, and in accordance with the relevant provisions
Project permission